
Model Assistant

Model Assistant

The model assistant is the easiest way to get started with a model. It allows you to quickly add a model to your pipeline and then use the assistant to label the data that you want to extract. The model assistant is a great way to get started with a model, you can create a project in Kodexa, then if you choose Manage Project and choose the Data Flow tab.

Here you will see a diagram showing how your components and assistants are connected. If you have a Model Assistant in the data flow you can also see the models that the assistant will use just below it.


The Model Assistant and the Model Runtime

The model assistant basically schedules work and passes documents to the model runtime that the model declared it will use. This means that when you ask to train the model assistant, it will actually create a training pipeline that will train all the trainable models in this pipeline, passing the training store to the model runtime for each of the models.

While the assistant allows us to surface the models and pipelines, the actual work of calling the model runtime performs the model.